Portal 2 smooth jazz
Portal 2 smooth jazz

portal 2 smooth jazz portal 2 smooth jazz

Meander down the stairs and into the elevator. Put a blue portal on the wall next to the exit and then pass back through the orange portal to be right next to the exit! Pop a blue portal on one of the walls next to you and pass through it. Continue ahead, though a small maze offices, and drop down through the broken glass panel. Head up the railed “ramp” to the right of the orange portal. Place a blue portal on one of the white wall-panels and walk through it. At the top, you’ll find the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device! You’ll now be able to place blue portals on certain surfaces. (You can’t get hurt from falls, luckily!) Head towards the light and you’ll see a spiraling mash of debris. You’ll crash through the floor without a portal gun and land in some water, but you’ll be okay. He’ll tell you that there should be a portal device in the center of the room. Turn right at the glass panels and through the door. Head out of the elevator and up the stairs. Head into the elevator for the next test. Now you’re ready to exit, so hit the last red button by the exit. Pass through the portal in the main room again, while carrying the cube, and place the cube onto the button. Press the small red button outside of the red button room next. Pass through the portal in the “main” room, pick up the cube, and pass back through it. Press the small red button outside of the cube room first. To solve this puzzle, you need to get the cube onto the button and pass through the door. The first is the cube, the second is the big red button, and the third is the exit. There are three rooms, each with a corresponding button and important piece of the puzzle. This room will teach you a bit more about portals. Portals also disappear when you pass through. The announcer will note the Aperture Science Material Emancipation Grill, and you should too: you can’t bring objects through this particle field. The door will open, allowing you to continue. Pick it up and place it on the giant red button on the floor. In this room, a cube will be dropped out of a tube in the ceiling. Once on the other side, walk around the glass box and through the door. Walk through it you’ll see that a portal has been created between the two spaces. The announcer will tell you that you can still continue despite a potential apocalypse. If you’ve played the first Portal title, you’ll recognize this room (and the next few bits of the game).

portal 2 smooth jazz

Head down through the rubble and you’ll crash into a small glass box. Once it’s time, Wheatley will tell you to be off.

Portal 2 smooth jazz